Kids Matter Here

At Trinity our motto is Kids Matter Here, meaning children and youth are a very high priority. We value them as members of our parish community and we are committed to nurturing, guiding, and teaching them so that they may grow up to be faithful, mature, spiritually-grounded adults in the church and the world.

Here are some of the many things our kids participate in at Trinity:

Grades K-8 – Sunday School

On most Sunday mornings during the school year, our children and youth are welcomed by their Sunday school teachers and Rev. Johanna in Graham Hall (upper level of the Parish House) for an opening activity and prayer. Following the opening activity and prayer, they are dismissed to their classrooms for the lesson of the day with their individual teachers. The lessons are age-appropriate and are coordinated to align with the scripture readings of the day.

For the 2022-2023 school year, our children and young adults will be working with Virginia Theological Seminary’s (VTS) Episcopal Curriculum for Youth. Younger Youth and will be focusing on The Sacraments throughout the coming year.

Grades 9-12 – Confirmation Class

Those in High School are encouraged to join our Confirmation class, held on Monday evenings from 7pm to 8:30pm during the school year. This class is intended for any high school students thinking about being confirmed.

We use the Confirm not Conform curriculum, which is supplemented by materials from the VTS curriculum for High Schoolers. Rev. Johanna and Mary Jane Smith facilitate the class.

to Serve

Upcoming Events

Sunday May 5th

Worship Service w/ Online
9:30 am
 - 10:30 am
Coffee Hour
10:30 am
 - 11:30 am
Bible Study with Rabbi Joe
11:00 am
 - 12:00 pm - Online

Monday May 6th

AA- Undercroft
7:00 pm
 - 9:00 pm

Tuesday May 7th

Music & Liturgy Meeting
9:30 am
 - 10:30 am

Wednesday May 8th

Thrift Shop Open
10:00 am
 - 2:00 pm
Weeknight Adult Study
7:00 pm
 - 8:00 pm - Online

Thursday May 9th

Food Pantry Open 8:30-11
8:30 am
 - 10:30 am - UC
Trinity Swirl Talks | Aldrich
3:00 pm
 - 4:00 pm
Rector/Wardens Meeting
5:30 pm
 - 6:30 pm

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